Brain Works
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Brain Works
2005 SW 75th St, Suite 20
Gainesville, FL 32607

Phone 1: 352-332-0066
Phone 2:

Expanding Capabilities

Thank you for your interest in learning more about the listening training programs, which are offered at Brain Works in Gainesville, FL. These music-based sound stimulation programs, based on the principles of Dr. Alfred Tomatis, are used to train and more fully integrate the ears, brain and body. Auditory training with specially modified music has helped thousands of people of all ages to expand their capabilities.

People Get Help With




Down Syndrome


Learning Disabilities


Developmental Delays


Stroke/Mild Brain Injury


Sensory Integration Disorder


Speech & Language Disorder


Auditory Processing Disorder


Autism/Asperger’s Syndrome/PDD 


Auditory Training with Modified Music Stimulates:

  The Auditory System for more focused listening with less sound sensitivity and background noise disturbance, improved speech
Vestibular System for better balance, motor coordination, muscle tone, relaxation
Brain for improved sensory integration, eye contact, language, memory, mood, social awareness, attention span
Spirit for greater motivation, self-confidence, desire to connect with others

      Tomatis-based Listening Programs

Brain Works offers both home-based and center-based auditory training programs. Home-based programs are available for people who are unable to come to the center for listening training. Individualized programs are developed after an initial evaluation for listening acuity, auditory processing disorders and attention deficits with questionnaires, an interview and, when possible, testing.

For clients who are capable, we include visual-motor-balance training and some cognitive training while clients are listening. In addition to auditory training, we have a separate Brain Training Program. Tutoring is also offered at Brain Works.

Diane Daniels, M.A., Ed.S., Director of Brain Works, is a certified teacher, school counselor and school psychologist with 24 years experience working at the elementary, high school and community college levels. She has been trained in the Tomatis Method, the LiFT, the Dynamic Listening System, Integrated Listening System (iLs), JoEE, and The Listening Program (TLP).

As a bit of background, Diane conducted her first listening training program at a school where she worked with five children, who were “falling between the cracks”. The music-based sound stimulation created remarkable improvements in the children’s attention span, auditory processing, academic skills, sensory integration and self-confidence. As a result, Diane opened her Center for Listening & Learning in 2001. In 2008, Diane added a brain training program and renamed her center Brain Works. She says, “The center has been a real gift in my life, as I am able to participate in promoting the growth of children, teens and adults in ways they never imagined possible”. Read more at Contact Diane Daniels at (352) 332-2420 or toll free at (888) 379-1981 or email at for a complimentary consultation.

Come to Gainesville, FL

Enjoy plays, restaurants, tubing, horse country, wildlife, antique stores, the University of Florida and nearby Disney World


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Copyright © 2001-2010, Pierre Sollier, MFT